As we know now Razer RZ01-00750100-R3U1 Naga Hex is scattered in markets as well as there is immense rush to buy Razer RZ01-00750100-R3U1 Naga Hex. There are number of questions that always arrive in buyers mind “where to buy Razer RZ01-00750100-R3U1 Naga Hex?, how to buy cheap Razer RZ01-00750100-R3U1 Naga Hex?” and more.
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Many excellent reviews already proving the quality of this product. Razer RZ01-00750100-R3U1 Naga Hex completed with a lot off capabilities which makes it fantastic product. If you wish to know what people say about this product, just read buyers review below.
I absolutely love this mouse. I purchased the Razer NAGA 17 button 2 months ago and just could not get used to it. I also bought the G700 and that was ok but too heavy for me. I didn't want to shell out 70 bucks for a new mouse but I finally talked myself into it and I am GLAD I did!
I tend to claw grip my mouse and pivot on my wrist bone(right side) and I have smaller hands.
I play mostly MMO's and currently back to WoW. Keep in mind I still cannot press the buttons correctly on my NAGA 17 button. With this mouse,within minutes, I was pressing all 9 buttons like I had the mouse for months! The buttons are just laid out so nice. Also the fact that they stick out more help a lot. The two buttons behind the mouse wheel are great for me to hit with my pointer finger.
I originally had the original wow mouse and LOVED it. However I could only hit the top four buttons on that and two on the side plus the side button started sticking. I would say I like this Naga Hex mouse even more than that one.
Ok back to this mouse..The mouse comes with 3 different size pads for your thumb, they really do make a difference. I ended up liking the mid is pretty close to the largest size and hard to tell which one is which by looking. The small one was too thin and I could not pick the mouse up very well with it. I like to grip the mouse.
As far as the 1-6 buttons, I rock my thumb forward and easily hit #2. I rock my thumb backwards and easily hit #5. #1 and #3, I just move my thumb up or down slightly. #4 and #6 I just bring my thumb back(up/down) slightly. The buttons are all laid out just right so that you can definitely tell a difference between them all.
I really do not have any complaints on this mouse and would recommend it to anyone wanting a lot of buttons but cannot get used to the Naga 17 button mouse. If I HAD to say what I like the least, it would be that the buttons(1-6) press in very easy. So if you tried to pick it up and had your thumb on #1, you would click it. I do, however, think that over time I will be easily trained to keep my thumb on the thumb rest. I pretty much already do but I could see it being a problem for some. They would never be pushed in moving the mouse side to side IMO.
Oh...and this mouse rocks in D3 as well. yes, I am in love.
Other notes- I run everything at stock 1800 dpi etc. I am not very technical but as far as I am concered the mouse tracks as good as any other mouse I have had. This review is mainly for comfort and ease of hitting all the buttons.Razer RZ01-00750100-R3U1 Naga Hex Review By H. McCarty- [Read Original Review here]
Razer RZ01-00750100-R3U1 Naga Hex Features Review
- 7 ft lightweight, braided fiber cable
- Scroll wheel with 24 individual click positions
- Optimized for MOBA/Action-RPG's
- 6 accessible mechanical buttons
- Gold-plated USB connector
The Razer RZ01-00750100-R3U1 Naga Hex price have been announced yet by Razer. in US, the prices of Razer RZ01-00750100-R3U1 Naga Hex is start from $79.24 for Razer Naga Hex . if you buy this Laser Gaming Mouse trough this is the best price than another online store or retail. Buy Razer RZ01-00750100-R3U1 Naga Hex trough here !